
language planning中文什么意思

发音:   用"language planning"造句
  • 语言规划〔如制订和实施语言规范化方案等〕。
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  1. Schools and ideas of language planning theory abroad
  2. Language planning of modern china - the future of chinese characters
  3. Language planning and controversy in pakistan since its independence
  4. In this paper , problems with current english education in china are discussed from the perspective of language planning , teaching methodology , course book development and the teacher ' s education
  5. Facing the intense periodical competition , the modem journal editor should in the selected topic plan , the column plan and the page layout language plan , the reader plans , about the brand plan the full time , makes the high - quality goods periodical diligently


    Language planning is a deliberate effort to influence the function, structure, or acquisition of languages or language variety within a speech community.Kaplan B.


        language:    n. 1.语言;(某民族,某国的)国语;语调,措词。 2 ...
        planning:    n. 计划,规划。 an overall plannin ...
        bpl business planning language:    商业计划语言
        business-planning language:    商用计划语言
        site planning computer language:    场地设计计算机语言
        and planning:    经验与设计,181; 情感与设计,180; 未来与设计,186
        planning:    n. 计划,规划。 an overall planning 全面规划。
        a language:    译者的母语或者常用的语言
        language:    n. 1.语言;(某民族,某国的)国语;语调,措词。 2.(谈话者或作者所使用的)言语,语风,文风,文体。 3.专门用语,术语。 4.(动物的)叫声;(动作,手势等所表示的)表意语。 5.【自动化】机器代码 ( = machine language )。 6.〔俚语〕粗话,骂人的话;坏话。 7.态度,立场。 8.〔古语〕民族;某国国民。 a common language 共同的语言。 a dead language 死语言。 a foreign language 外国语。 a living language 活语言。 long language (与符号语言相对的)通用语言。 oral [spoken] language 口语。 the Chinese language 汉语。 written language 书面语。 high language 夸张的言词。 in his own language 按他自己的说法。 with a great command [an easy flow] of language 口若悬河。 legal language 法律用语。 medical language 医学用语。 parliamentary language 议会辞令;有礼貌的话。 the language of diplomacy 外交辞令。 the language of the science 科学用语。 finger [gesture, sign] language 手势语。 the language of flowers 花语〔如以 lily 象征纯洁等〕。 the language of the eyes 目语,眉目传情。 billing gate language = language of the fish-market 下流的粗话。 in strong language 用激烈的下流话。 use (bad [foul, warm]) language to sb. 谩骂某人。 in fourteen languages 〔美俚〕非常。 speak the same language 说共同的语言,信仰和观点相同。 language arts (中小学的)语言艺术学科。
        garden planning, landscaping planning:    园林规划
        garden planning,landscaping planning:    园林规划
        hydro-planning (aqua-planning):    漂滑效应
        plot planning block planning:    建筑用地规划
        academic planning:    学术规划;教务规划
        account planning:    客户策划
        accounting for planning:    计划编制的会计
        accuracy planning:    精度管理计划
        acquisition planning:    采购计划编制
        activity planning:    行动规划
        ad planning:    广告策划
        additional planning:    补充规划
        administrative planning:    行政规划
        advanced planning:    远景规划
        advertising planning:    广告策划
        advocacy planning:    倡导式规划



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  7. language policy 什么意思
  8. language politics 什么意思
  9. language pollution 什么意思
  10. language posts 什么意思


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